Water Oak
quercus nigra
Average crown spread: 65 feet (20 meters)
Average height: 55 feet (17 meters)
Habitat: Southern states, tolerant if loam, clay, and and sand soils.
Characteristics: Semi-evergreen or deciduous, depending on the location, and resilient against urban conditions. Yellow coloring in fall and highly tolerant of drought.
Source: http://hort.ufl.edu/database/documents/pdf/tree_fact_sheets/queniga.pdf
Average height: 55 feet (17 meters)
Habitat: Southern states, tolerant if loam, clay, and and sand soils.
Characteristics: Semi-evergreen or deciduous, depending on the location, and resilient against urban conditions. Yellow coloring in fall and highly tolerant of drought.
Source: http://hort.ufl.edu/database/documents/pdf/tree_fact_sheets/queniga.pdf